Butthead says "nothing in here.no.no." The boys then approach a big green van with two square back windows. In the drive in lot, the boys are walking behind the cars, looking into each back window as they walk past. At the counter, Butthead has a hot dog and is petting it and says to beavis "look im stroking my weiner"īeavis laughs which makes him blow snot into his soda, he laughs again and says "gym teachers handkercheif" then blows more snot into the cup.

Making their way into the drive in, the boys go to the snack bar. Butthead says that its only 3 dollars if you got a car. The boys approach the booth by the entrance gate. Beavis and butthead climb the entrance sign to change the letters around to spell out different words.īeavis hands butthead the letter F as butthead pulls the letter T off of tucker. We're now at the entrance of the drive in movie theater. Flesh monster, the bone chilling story of a motorcycle riding, eye gouging, brain eating sex kitten who just happens to be insaaaaane.Īnother local announcer comes on and says "now playing at a crappy drive in or second rate multiplex near you" The announcer says "the face of evil, the soul of terror, the body of a babe.

It shows a green zombie like woman in a black bikini riding a motorcycle. They change the channel to a commercial about a girl talking about tampons then flip the channel again to a trailer for a movie called flesh monster. The host of the show reads "part of the body responsible for the creation and organization of the electronic impulses which when processed, form the basis of intelligence" Inside beavis and buttheads house the boys are watching the game show jeaopardy. tv-official/ - ASIAN TV -tv-asian-tv - ASIAN TV -CLASH-EXCITER-2 - CLASH EXCITER 2 -nfs-zone-2-territorio-2a-edicion-verde/ - NFS Zone 2 - Territory 2 / Edition Verde -the-big-bang-theory-season-1/ - The Big Bang Theory Season 1 -bdd-jour-2020-du-26-juin-2020/ - les dix-huitième jour de juin 2020 - BDD Jour -pornhub-titanic/ - Titanic Porn -clitoris-yield/ - Clitoris Yield -spider-man-the-virgin-marge-and-spider-man-season-2/ - Spider Man The Virgin Marge and Spider Man Season 2 -lycra-girl-gaga/ - GAGA x LYCRA -mariah-carey-mom-in-nude-xxx-photos-shows/ - MARIAH CAREY: MOM IN NUDE XXX PHOTOS SHOWS -lucy-daviols-episode-7-2021/ - LUZ SEGUIN: EPISODIO 7.Beavis and butthead episode 10 Beware of the butt